
My studio has recently moved to my residence. If you would like to shop in person, please contact me to make an appointment. Due to Covid, we are only seeing vaccinated and masked individuals. We want to do our best to keep everyone safe!

Phone: (585)880-8258.


3 Responses to Contact

  1. Marsha Moracco says:

    Carolyn…. It was a pleasure meeting you today and I love my purchase. Thank you so much for giving me the piece of pottery for my daughter! Please send me an invite to your Xmas show. I need to request the time off from my job, so I would like to know the date ASAP. Thank you.. Marsha Moracco. My e-mail is : BTDT53 @

  2. Susan Baird says:

    Carolyn, my friend, Paula Reynolds, told me you need photos of CKCS. I’ll send some of Lincoln tomorrow. He’s sacked out for the night. I can ask some friends with other colors to send photos too. Lincoln is black/tan and might be harder to see details than the Blenheim or Tricolor. I’ll look forward to seeing your sculpture.

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